The island nation of Palau is famous for its coral reefs and incredibly diverse sea life. In 2000, Seacology funded demarcation buoys and training for rangers for the newly created Ngemai Marine Conservation Area. The project proved highly successful and inspired other villages to create their own marine conservation areas. The recently established Ebiil Channel Marine Conservation Area is 15 times larger than Ngemai’s. It is the most important grouper aggregation site in Palau. As in the Ngemai conservation area, harvesting fish will be prohibited in the Ebiil marine reserve.
Though the Ebiil Channel Marine Conservation Area is now legally established, the community lacks the resources needed to make the conservation area a reality. With Seacology’s support, the Palau Conservation Society (PCS) has worked with the local village to buy 13 demarcation buoys, equipment for a patrol boat, and appropriate signage. PCS is also facilitating the training of two rangers from the local community to monitor the conservation area.