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Elang Cot Girek


Conservation benefit: Protection of 618 acres of forest for 10 years

Community benefit: Support of coffee growing, native tree planting, and small-scale ecotourism

Date Approved: 06.2023


This project protects forest, preventing the release of greenhouse gases and reducing erosion that damages coastal and ocean ecosystems.

The Dam 5 forest, at the northeastern tip of Indonesia, is home to some of the world’s rarest animals, including Javan tigers, Javan leopards, Sumatran elephants, sun bears, and Sunda pangolins. There are also barking deer (muntjac), porcupines, Southern pig-tailed macaques, and huge numbers of tropical bird, reptile, amphibian, and invertebrate species. More than 10,000 species of plant species have been catalogued on Sumatra.

But international companies want to replace this exceptional biodiversity with monoculture plantations of sugar cane and oil palm. Huge amounts of Sumatran forest have already been lost.

Local people staunchly object to cutting the forest, which contains the headwaters of the Kerto River. They know that if the trees were cut down, floods would hit the surrounding villages. The river and a 50-acre lake within the forest area are the only sources of clean water for the community.

People from Elang Cot Girek say that they have been protecting the forest since the 1980s. Members of their organization, the Kreung Kerto Rescue Community (KLEUNG), patrol the forest, mark boundaries, and warn oil palm and sugar cane companies not to encroach.

In addition, during seasons when there is little fruit in the forest, KLEUNG provides bananas and other food for monkeys and birds there, so that the animals don’t go into the residents’ settlements.

With a Seacology grant, they will step up forest protection, explore sustainable livelihoods, and plant native trees. Specifically, they plan to:

  • Buy walkie-talkies, drones, tents, and laptops to improve forest monitoring and protection.
  • Plant coffee outside the forest areas. (Sumatra is Indonesia’s prime coffee-growing region.)
  • Rent tents and gazebo spaces to tourists who want to spend the night in the forest (this helps monitoring efforts, too).
  • Use some of the profits from coffee production and tourism for forest security.

They also want to plant sandalwood and gaharu trees, valuable native species in danger of disappearing from Indonesia.

Project Updates

February 2025

All construction work is done. The community group is caring for their coffee plants and protecting the forest.

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June 2024

The village has built the gazebo and toilet, though rainy weather has delayed finishing the front and side terraces. Outside the protected forest, on land owned by the community group that protects the forest, the group is caring for their new coffee plants.

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February 2024

This lush forest remains well protected and clearly separated from an adjacent oil palm plantation by fences and ditches. The village is working on a gazebo and toilet, which tourists and locals will use. Parts of the building have an open design; others must be sturdily closed off because of the tigers, bears, and elephants in the area. Outside the protected forest, the community has planted 3,000 coffee plants.

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