The village of San Carlos is on the southwestern shore of Cuyo Island. Just offshore lies the 287-acre Imalaguan Fish Sanctuary. San Carlos has contributed to its management, surveillance, and monitoring for more than 10 years, training fish wardens and running regular patrols.
Fish found in the sanctuary area include damselfishes and clownfishes, wrasses, butterflyfishes, cardinalfishes, breams, groupers, and parrotfishes. Many of the 1,500 residents of San Carlos make a living from fishing, and the fish sanctuary has helped them by replenishing fish stocks outside the sanctuary.
The village is renewing its commitment to protect the no-take area for 25 years. In exchange, Seacology will fund construction of a multipurpose center, which the village will use for livelihood training, conservation campaigns, and fisherfolk meetings. It will also serve as a classroom for “out of school youth,” children who have received little formal schooling.
The Barangay Council will provide a lot for the building and a safe place to store construction materials. Members of the council and the fisherfolk organization will help clear the construction site, hiring local workers for construction. After the building is finished, the council will allocate money for maintenance. The Andres Soriano Foundation, a partner in previous projects, is helping the community.